Sunday 21 September 2008


David Bowie - Early Years

Acoustic Folk Hit.

Shiina Ringo - Early Years

Acoustic Folk Hit.

David Bowie - Glam Period

Concept album about a male rockstar whose success eventually becomes his downfall and ends with suicide in the final track. The album has 11 tracks.

Tour featuring Bowie as his alter-ego, band in makeup/themed costume , glitter, blah blah blah.

Shiina Ringo - "Glam" Period.

Concept album about a female rockstar whose success eventually becomes her downfall and ends with suicide in the final track. The album has 11 tracks.

Tour featuring Ringo as her alter-ego, band in make-up/themed costume, glittery guitar, blah blah blah.

David Bowie - Bridge Period

Cover album released.

Shiina Ringo - Bride Period

Cover album released.

David Bowie - Berlin Trilogy and The Thin White Duke

Bowie's first hints at "challenging", "mature" albums, beloved by critics. Bowie "matures", reinvents himself and begins wearing smart formal wear and performing rearranged versions of old songs heavily influenced by black music.

Shiina Ringo - Kalk Samen No Hana

Ringo releases her first "challenging" "mature" album called "Chalk, Semen, Chestnut Blossoms" Beloved by critics. Ringo "matures", Reinvents herself and begins wearing smart formal wear and performing rearranged versions of old songs heavily influenced by black music.

David Bowie - Labyrinth

Bowie handled music for the film and contributed a soundtrack album.

Shiina Ringo - Sakuran

Ringo handled music for the film and contributed a soundtrack album.

David Bowie - Band Formation "Tin Machine"

Besuited band. Contains exactly one member who is a man with long hair, contains exactly one member who played with Bowie previously.

Shiina Ringo - Band Formation "Tokyo Jihen"

Besuited band. Contains exactly one member who is a man with long hair, contains exactly one member who played with Ringo previously.